Bunco is a social dice game, traditionally played with 12 players who are divided into three tables with four players at each table. Really, though, almost any number can play.
The basics of Bunco are as follows:
A game of Bunco is played in two to four sets, with six rounds in each set.
Players are seated at multiple tables, with 4 players at each. One table is designated as the head table.
During the game, players at each table take turns rolling three dice to try and earn points. All tables play simultaneously.
A player at the head table rings a bell to signal the beginning and end of each round.
During each round, players attempt to roll the same number on the dice as the number of the round (for example, rolling three 3's
in Round 3 would earn the player points).
For every number rolled that matches the round number, one point is awarded to that player.
A player keeps rolling until they score no points. The scorekeeper then records the score they earned onto the table tally as the temporary team score. Then the dice are passed to the player on the left.
When the head table has earned 21 points, the round is over. The head table rings a bell to signal that the round has ended.
At the end of every round, players change partners and/or tables.
At the end of a game, there are typically multiple "winners." The player(s) with the most Buncos, wins, losses, etc, may earn prizes for their successes.
But don't let this dry summary of the game give you the wrong impression. Bunco games are known for getting noisy and rowdy with all the socializing, dice rolling, friendly competition, and celebrating! It's a gaming event that brings people together again and again in a spirit of fun and friendship.